How to get Relevant AdSense Ads

December 27, 2006

Many bloggers complain that they are not making any money because they are getting lots and lots of irrelevant ads; AdSense Ads that are not related to the content of their blog. Well this post is intend to help those bloggers. If your blog has a good search engine rank, a good readership base , lots and lots of high quality posts and good blending for your AdSense ads but you just don´t make money at all, then you have a problem of ad relevancy, maybe your ads are not good enough to attract the attention of your readers, and believe me when I say that most blogs with AdSense are having this problem, but why?

There are many high paying ads out there for all topics, from Health care to business and from cars to real estate the problem is that most blogs are not suitable for those ads and instead they get just the public service ads form Google (PSA´s), these pay nothing at all. Before making something else you might want to try these tips:

Make sure you are using the right keywords – As you know keywords are very important to get relevant ads, if you use high paying keywords you should get high paying ads, There are many websites and services out there that can help you with this, you can also check our Top Paying keywords section. Along with keyword research comes keyword density, increase it in your posts and you´ll get more related ads.

Don´t combine topics in the same page – If you are going to write about “The best books of the year” then don´t add another topic about “The fastest cars” in the same page, remember, one topic per page and one page per topic. I´m not talking about your front page because its obvious that in the first page all your new posts are going to be displayed no matter what topic you are writing about.

Block irrelevant ads – Google allows you to block those ads that are not relevant to your content, but you just have a limited number of ads to block.

Check also your title and sidebars and menus – because sometimes the AdSense bot examines these sections too, and delivers ads related to what they are about. Try to add high paying keywords not just in your posts but in your menus and tittles.

Now, there is another way to get relevant and high paying AdSense Ads, it is a simple HTML tweak that will increase the number of relevant ads in your blog. This will confuse the Google Bot and will force it to focus only on specific content.

You can use NotePad, just open your HTML page and go to the beginning of your article or post, and add the following line:

<!– google_ad_section_start –>

Then go to the end of your post and add this line there.

<!– google_ad_section_end –>

Now save changes and publish it again, as you can see it is very simple but effective this tweak will confuse the Google Bot and you´ll get ads related to what you are writing about. This is called “Section targeting” and it allows you to literally suggest sections of your HTML text to the AdSense bot you can use this technique with all the sections you want to emphasize for ad targeting.

If you want the AdSense bot to ignore a certain section like the sidebar on your blog just use the same procedure but this time add this line to the sections you want to ignore.

<!– google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) –>

<!– google_ad_section_end –>

For more information visit: AdSense section targeting


One Response to “How to get Relevant AdSense Ads”

  1. The Best AdSense Tips | Blogger Lounge on March 9th, 2007 5:55 pm

    […] How to Get Relevant AdSense Ads […]

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