What Not to Do when You Blog

January 6, 2007

We all know that Blogging = Business, and as in other businesses there are certain rules and laws that you must follow. The other day I was surfing the Internet looking for some design trends, (I´m going to write about that later) and I arrived to a site where I found a very interesting article called “What not to do when you Blog” it is a list of principles and simple rules to follow when you are blogging, I´m going to list you the 8 rules but if you want more information about this take the time to read the full article.

1. Don’t use the word blog without realizing what it means.

2.Don’t write about yourself.

3.Do not blog unless you plan to take it seriously.

4.Do not write to other bloggers and ask for links.

5.Do not steal.

6. Do not consider your blog a free ride to slander, promote gross inaccuracies, or pass along “facts” that are rumors.

7. Do not overreact when you get dissed by your readers.

8. Do not forget to be polite.

I would add “Do not forget to promote your blog” since it is a very important step to follow if you want readers to come. What other rules would you suggest?. On the other hand CyberJournalis has a great article called “A Blogger´s Code of ethics”. These are more useful rules for bloggers.


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