The Importance of Backlinks

January 10, 2007

First of all I´m going to introduce you a very important formula for your blog: Backlinks = Free Traffic. The first time I heard the word “backlink” I didn’t knew what it was, so I made research to learn something about it, because a friend told me that they were very important for any website or blog, because without them it was for sure that my blog would never appear in search engines. Ok, now I´m going to explain what a “backlink” is.

Backlinks are links that are directed towards your website or blog. The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of a blog. They are important for SEO because some search engines, especially Google, will give more credit to those that have a good number of quality backlinks, and consider those blogs more relevant than others in their results pages for a search query. Google gives a lot of priority to those blogs with lots of backlins, why? Because Google knows that backlinks are often created by humans, therefore this means that the blog has to have some value.

Most successful blogs have more than 1,000 backlinks. There are many ways to get backlinks for free, my best advice would be : always write high quality content. If you have good content then more people will backlink to your blog or to an specific post. Here is an example: You wrote a very good post about the “latest design trends”, then let´s suppose that 10 blog owners who read your post really liked it and they write a small post in their own blogs about your article and add your URL to their blogs, well you´ll get 10 new backlinks and more traffic. You see? That´s a very good technique to get them. But there are more techniques you might want to try.

1. Write an article related to what your blog is about, then submit it to free article directories and add your blog´s URL at the end of the article. This will give you backlinks and traffic.

2. Submit your blog to free directories like (This will also increase your SE ranking). Just type in your favorite search engine “free directory”.

3. Ask other websites or blogs to share backlinks, you will have to include their URL in your blog and they will have to add yours. There is nothing wrong with requesting a link from another blog.

4. Join forums related to the topic of your blog and post comments , use your URL as your signature.

5. Set up a mini site; Create a small website about a very specific topic, you can always use free hosting services but I recommend purchasing a cheap hosting package, then add your blog´s url in your mini site.

Remember that older links are better than new ones and that links from related sites are better.


2 Responses to “The Importance of Backlinks”

  1. Tamil mp3 Lyrics on August 22nd, 2007 1:24 pm

    I was in search of this kind of content from long back. It is nice to see from here.

    I have one basic doubt?

    If I have write comment using my url as signature in google’s own blog sites (, will it be taken into account by the google ranking?

  2. George C on August 22nd, 2007 2:56 pm

    Hi Tamil! Thanks for your comment, sure It will, but the thing here is that maybe with your URL in a comment some users will count it as spam and they’ll delete it 😉

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