AdSense Optimization Tip: Heat Map

January 17, 2007

Google has now added its AdSense Heat Map to their optimization tips page. The main purpose of this illustration is to help webmasters to know which areas are more successful than others in a website or blog. This heat map gives an idea of where is the best location for your AdSense Ads in a page layout.

As you can see the picture shows different areas with different colors showing which areas are the best for AdSense.

Yellow Color: represents a weak area for your ads, so avoid placing them in this parts of your site or blog.

Orange Color: represent a strong are of the layout, this is a good place to add your ads because readers tend to look a lot to this areas.

Dark Orange Color: This represents the strongest area of the layout, this means that this is the best place for AdSense ads.

Not all blogs and sites have the same layout but the location is almost the same, remember not to place ads at the bottom of your blog because very few readers go to the bottom of the page, it is better above the fold.


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