How to Categorize Your Blogger Blog

February 8, 2007

Blogger is a great tool to start blogging, but when it come to functionality and features it is a little bit obsolete. For all newbies, blogger seems to have all the necessary features and tools for a blog, and that´s ok, I mean, when I first start blogging I was using this platform. But for those that know more about blogging and all that stuff, Blogger needs something more, like for example: “labels” you can add labels to your posts with the new Blogger but you can´t add categories, like in other platforms, for example: WordPress. In a blog it is very important to categorize each post, because this improves navigation and functionality, your readers will be more comfortable and they´ll know exactly where a post is.

In this post I want to show all Blogger users, how to add categories to their blogs using a very simple but effective technique. I remember some posts explaining how to add categories ,but using an application that it seems to be no longer available, it was (or is, I really don´t know) called Labelr. Since there is not another tool to categorize posts in Blogger let me show you the technique I used when I had a blogspot blog, it worked for me, it is a bit different than other techniques but it solves the problem.

Create all categories

First of all go to your dashboard and select the blog you want to categorize.

When you are in the control panel of your blog, select the tab to “create” a new post.

What you are going to do now is add the title for your category, something like: “Category: Money Making Techniques”.

In “Post and comments options” set your post to an earlier time, maybe five months ago and disallow comments for that entry.

Now publish the post, and thats it, do the same for each category you want in your blog.

Add categories to your template

Once you´ve created all your categories, go to the “Template” tab and start adding the links to your template, wherever you want them to appear.

Save changes and republish.

Categorize your posts

To file an entry under a certain category just copy the post´s URL and go to edit the post of the category you want.

Where you write the content of the post, write the title of the entry you want to categorize, and add the link.

Save and publish one more time.

Do the same process with each post in your blog, this will take time but it´s going to make a big difference in your blog.

As I said this technique worked for me, there are other ways, here are some links where you can find different techniques to add categories to your Blogger blog.

Li-Zhao has a great post on the same topic, it is more like a hack, it seems very simple to use, try it.

Karl Bunyan of the K! Blog has another great post about this.


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