How to Earn $100 per Day With AdSense

February 16, 2007

Making $100 per day with AdSense is not so difficult. Many bloggers and webmasters are making even more than that, believe me, much more. Reaching this amount each day may sound you almost impossible, but it is not, in fact many successful bloggers claim that they reached the $100 per day barrier just after 3 month of using AdSense (this is not a rule) on their blogs.

Now, if you want to earn $100 per day, this means that you´ll be making about $3,000, which is a very healthy income. This is supposing that your blog makes you this amount each day, what I´m trying to say is that your earning may vary. In this post I want to explain you two different scenarios about how to make $100 per day with this program.

Scenario 1

Of course you need high quality content, for a blog let´s say you need about 100 posts about a good topic, look for some good keywords to use in your posts. Now, I said 100 posts because your blog needs a base for your readership, your visitors need something to read obviously. In this scenario we are going to suppose that your website or blog displays normal price keywords with an average of $0.10 per click, there are many paying this amount.

Update frequently. Write at least 4 or 5 posts per week. Your readers expect that you update your blog with new things each day. If you are going to write just 5 posts per week try to leave 1 or to for the weekend because many people read blogs during the weekends so you should give them something to read. The same thing if you have a normal site, try updating it frequently, add new articles each week.

Traffic. That´s right, this is maybe the most important ingredient in the list, because you need readers and visitors to click your AdSense ads. If you have a 3% CTR which is ok, you´ll need about 33,333 page impressions. A lot? It is, but if most readers view 3 pages per visit this means you have to receive 11,100 unique visitors daily.

Clicks. If you want to make $100 bucks a day you´d have to average 1000 clicks daily for a blog or site using $0.10 keywords, or 2000 clicks if you are using $0.05 keywords.

Don’t forget positioning, blending and optimization. Promote your blog or website. Let´s take a look to another scenario.

Scenario 2

Your blog must have more than 100 high quality posts (or articles if you own a normal site). Why? The same reason as in the first scenario, your readers need something to read. This time try to find some high paying keywords, this time let´s assume you are using keywords paying an average of $0.50 per click. You still have to update your blog constantly, remember 4 or 5 posts per week, more would be better.

Traffic. With the same CTR, 3% , you need 6,666 page impressions generated by 2,200 unique visitors each day.

Clicks. Your blog or site needs an average of 200 clicks per day. Nice, right?

Remember that you have to focus on traffic, content and optimization. Promote your blog, take care of your readers, write good content and always implement new optimization techniques for your AdSense ads.


6 Responses to “How to Earn $100 per Day With AdSense”

  1. Neil on March 21st, 2007 2:07 am

    I like this post. It is true that blogging about more valuable keywords makes life a lot easier. I have been blogging about a wide variety on my site, but I do need to settle down and focus on one specific area.

  2. George C on March 21st, 2007 2:28 am

    Hi Neil, You just have to sit down and evaluate your options, you have to see which niche is more interesting for you.

  3. Ali khan on July 15th, 2007 7:47 am

    But driving such traffic to your site is very difficult…..i am on 1$ per day target currently i have 15 days old blog…….current progress is 0.5$ per day

    Well i want to now making other blog helps….becoz it requires great effort to promote new blog

  4. Adam on September 12th, 2007 3:25 am

    I don’t know if making that kind of money would be possible after just 3 months…I would think that it would take years to build enough rapport with subscribers to get 1k-2k hits per day.

  5. jack on May 26th, 2008 3:54 am

    can we do this all without adword campaign??? how if just tobe a walker blog??? ^_^ thx.

  6. vinod on July 9th, 2008 3:59 pm

    This is difficult to achieve this target but not impossible

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