Creative and Simple Advices for Your Money Making Adventure

February 21, 2007

Now, this is what I call creative thinking. In this post I want to show you some rules or advices, whatever you want to call them, that I found a long time ago (well not too long), in fact from my own point of view , these simple but effective rules are the base for any blogging empire. I´m talking about 9 simple rules, created for the 9rules Network of blogs run by Paul Scrivens, these guidelines are great for all those bloggers that want to have a successful blogging experience. Ok, here they are, the perfect rules for blogging (or for everything):

1. Love what you do

2. Never stop learning

3. Form works with function, not against it

4. Simple can be beautiful

5. Work hard, play hard

6. You get what you pay for

7. When others talk, listen

8. Always improve

9. Respect your inspiration

This network of blogs brings together some of the best blogs of the Web. With content from all around the world. you can find information about anything you want in their blogs. Some things I really like about this network or about their blogs is the design and the quality of the content.


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