Receive RSS Updates Into Your iPod

March 14, 2007

This is not the kind of things I usually post, but I really think you should take a look. Yesterday I was surfing a little bit on the Internet, and I found a blog about technology and gadgets, in fact it is a blog about gadgets for women but there are some interesting things to see, I thought it’ll be nice to share with you. There are some crazy thing like high-tech purses and strange devices for the kitchen, even a roll of paper for the bathroom printed with mind-training puzzles (who wants to buy that?!) anyway, If you are a real blogger this might interest you, even more if you use a lot your iPod.

A company called Carnglas Software developed something called iFeedPod, it is a piece of software that you can use to receive updates in your iPod, it works with any iPod and the best part is that it is free. You can download it here. But not everything is perfect, the only problem is that for now it is only available for Mac users. What a shame.

That’s it. If you have an iPod and if you have are tracking a lot of subscriptions give it a try, There are lots and lots of products you might want to check. If you want more information visit the original blog.!


4 Responses to “Receive RSS Updates Into Your iPod”

  1. James on March 14th, 2007 11:18 am

    Wow I can’t wait for this to be available for non-mac users. I use my iPod for a ton of podcasts, so what a great idea to have rss available too:) I can’t wait til I can use it. Good post.

  2. George C on March 14th, 2007 3:22 pm

    I Know James! It’ll be great. Just imagine, relaxing with your iPod but at the same time checking the updates of your favorite blogs. Great idea.

  3. Saman Sadeghi on March 14th, 2007 6:15 pm

    That’s a great idea!! I was bummed to find that is’t Mac only 🙁 Hopefully that will change soon!

  4. Everyday Weekender on March 14th, 2007 8:20 pm

    Awesome site man!.. it looks really cool. I like the effects on the images.

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