The Power of Popularity

March 17, 2007

This is something all blogs are looking for, it’s very simple, in some cases it is very common, but definitely is a very powerful resource, I’m talking about popularity. This can be defined as the quality of being well-liked among a large number of similar options. When you are a popular person, you become an important part of other’s values. Popularity forms a vital component of success in people-oriented fields such as politics, business and blogging. General popularity usually involves respect in two directions: the popular person is respected by his peers, and will simultaneously show them respect, thus reinforcing their belief that he is deserving of his popularity.

Now let’s talk about the power of a popular blog. As I said, it is something all bloggers are looking for, the first months it seems impossible to achieve it, but with a little bit of time, effort and of course, creativity your blog will be widely known and admired and so will be the author. When you have a popular blog , your chances of being successful and eventually earn a lot of money from it will be endless, the possibilities will increase as your popularity grows. Why? because your readers, in some cases admirers, will do almost anything to receive, your attention, reviews, links, your advice, your respect (of course this is something you always have to show), well, my point is that if you focus in increasing your blog popularity, your chances of succeeding will grow, as simple as that.

But, how do you become a popular blogger and person?

  • Be respectful
  • Show interest for other’s things
  • Make a lot of PR , Public Relations, and always maintain them
  • Never, never judge someone at first sight
  • Be creative and always innovate
  • Become a trend setter
  • Try to be unique in everything you do

Now let’s see an example of a very popular and successful blogger, this will make my points clear. His name is John Chow, of course you all know him, he is the guy behind the popular John Chow dot Com, which main tagline is: a blog that helps you make money online. The popularity of his blog resides in the uniqueness and kindness of John, he is a blogger that understands what his readers want. He built his popular blog with outstanding and groundbreaking ideas like his Review My Blog campaign in which he offers a free backlink for all those bloggers that review his blog.

Another important element that show his popularity is the layout of his blog, there are hundreds of blog displaying the same layout and style of John, of course it is better to have a unique design for your blog, I’m sure John agrees with this. Anyway This is just an example, of the power of popularity, I mean, he makes more than $7,000 each month from his blog, Definitely he has something to teach us.


5 Responses to “The Power of Popularity”

  1. kekoman on March 17th, 2007 7:58 pm

    that’s true.
    I think that if you show people your commitment with your blog, you put up quality content as well as giving promotion then you’ll be going on the right track.

  2. Review My Blog - Batch 37 « John Chow dot Com on March 20th, 2007 8:19 pm

    […] Blogger Lounge […]

  3. IndoDX on March 20th, 2007 9:58 pm

    Not Just Popular, but also usable and always give us new information 😉

  4. Neil on March 21st, 2007 2:04 am

    Nice post. It is always good to read these types of posts to refresh our outlook on blogging and encourage use to refocus on what is important. John Chow is an awesome resource to use, but my goals recently have been to find new blogs and check them out every week. It is always good to show interest in the blog community.

  5. George C on March 21st, 2007 3:02 am

    I Agree with you Neil, that’s what blogging is all about you know, it is a social thing.

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