Current Contests in the Blogosphere

March 30, 2007

It’s time to win! but in order to win something you have to participate in something, that’s why I gathered some of the best current contests and competitions in the blogosphere. Some of theme are crazy , others are strange, but there are contests for everyone, from designers to cricket fans, try to enter to one of these competitions, at least for fun. anyway, Here is the list of current competitions, if you are running one right now, let me know, and I’ll be glad to include it in this post.

The Best Blog Basket is running a contest to give your prediction for India’s next captain along with the justification. Of course I don’t know much about this, but its a good contest, specially for those bloggers from India and for those crkiket fans, the prizes are good too, well, check by yourself, I think it worths it.

Garry Conn is hosting a competition to for the best MyBloglog Avatar, as you can imagine, rules are very simple, just submit a comment, and wait for the next stage, if your avatar is selected as the winner you are going to win $20, sounds fair. It takes less than five minutes, so try it.

Inspiration Bit is running a contest, another simple one. Just suggest a non-monetary prize and recommend how the winner should be chosen, the prize? I really don’t know, ask by yourself. has a really good one, it is called Review your cell phone and you might win $1000, there’s no need to explain more about this, it is a good prize so think about it.

Remember, if you are running a competition in your blog, let me know and I’ll update this post to include a link to your site. As I said in a previous post, I’ll start a contest very soon, but there are going to be a lot in this blog, with good prizes.



4 Responses to “Current Contests in the Blogosphere”

  1. Garry Conn on March 30th, 2007 7:25 am

    Hey there,

    Thanks for the mention! Are you participating or what???

    With those cool shades you are bound to win it all!

    Again… thanks for the plug and very nice site!

    Best Regards,
    Garry Conn

  2. George C on March 30th, 2007 7:28 am

    Hi Garry! I think I’m going to participate! BTW thanks for your words, hope to see you around.

  3. ilker on April 20th, 2007 7:45 pm

    I’m running a contest!

    It’s pretty simple. Write a review of The Thinking Blog, get a linkback, and a chance to win blog re-design worth $2000!

  4. George C on April 21st, 2007 3:19 pm

    That’s great Ilker, Let me see if I can write something related to your contest. Good luck!

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