We Have a Winner!

April 10, 2007

Comment.Zation V1 is over, the first edition of our top commentators contest is officially closed and we have a winner of a logo design! Congratulations to Santosh he wrote 12 valuable comments. I must say that I’m satisfied with the results of this contest, I was expecting more comments and more participation but it’s ok, I think that 65 in one week is excellent number, I hope to receive more from you for the next edition.

As I said, and as you know the prize was a complete logo design for a blog or website, this is because we are discussing the importance of branding and the importance of a good brand. That’s why Santosh is going to receive a great logo design and branding for his blog. Thanks a lot to all of you for posting your comments in our articles, and please dare to comment more, get prepared because all comments from now on are going to be counted for the next Comment.Zation V2 count starts at zero again, so participate!. As soon as the new logo is finished I’ll present it to you Santosh, now come and claim your prize!


4 Responses to “We Have a Winner!”

  1. Matt Propst on April 10th, 2007 12:07 pm

    Damn! George it seems like you’ve got great looking little logos for the majority of your posts. I particularly like the “winner” logo.

  2. George C. on April 10th, 2007 3:06 pm

    Hi There Matt! Thanks! It’s part of my branding system! 😉 I’m glad you like them.

  3. santosh on April 11th, 2007 4:34 pm

    Hello all,
    I am so happy that I am a winner, and gifted with a free logo. This week gives me double prizes..
    1. I got the best deal in my profession (advertising)
    2. A Logo for highest comments.

    Though 12 comments were less to win this, But let me tell you people, Bloggerlounge is one of my bests places to imporve my branding online. On This Lounge i did meet few nice people which helped me to boost my professional pleasure.

    If you people visited my blog, you may not find it with upto mark articles, or posts, as my business required my 100% time. But as I started gaining interest in blogging from past 1-2 months. I ensure you people tyo make my blog as useful as bloggerlounge or other websites like careerramblings.

    Thank you george not because of your prize as logo or a backlink.. But Thanks a ton for writing such wonderful posts, and keeping up my sprits, and also facilitating me to read other blogs through myblog community which is one stop for most of entreprenuers…

    See you all around The Lounge 🙂

  4. George C on April 11th, 2007 6:18 pm

    Thank you Santosh for your loyalty and for your valuable comments, We are going to have a lot of interesting things in The Lounge very soon. And to all of you please stay around and start commenting because Comment.Zation V2 is coming.

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