How Much Would You Pay For a Domain With a Technorati Rank Under The Top 10,000?

May 8, 2007

Ok, I’m not talking about this domain, I’m not planning to sell it, so don’t worry, The Lounge still has a long way to go. I just wondered how the domain sales business works.

I read Mitch Harper’s blog the other night (, he must sold it already because it’s no longer available) anyway I noticed that a few days ago, he decided to put on sale his domain, the initial bid was $5,000 which sounds quite reasonable to me considering he has a good PageRank and a nice Technorati Rank, well that’s why I wondered how much money can you really make from a deal like this?, just by selling the domain, not the whole blog, I mean if you decide to sell your domain right now, with your current TR , how much would you ask for? or better yet, also let us know how much would you pay for a domain with a TR under the Top 10,000 , please tell us why.

I’m not talking about those ugly domains we all know, like for example: or ,no!, I’m talking about premium and creative domains (like ours πŸ™‚ ) the kind of domains that everyone will remember and the kind of domains others would like to use. Please help me with this and share your knowledge and opinion with others, thanks!


11 Responses to “How Much Would You Pay For a Domain With a Technorati Rank Under The Top 10,000?”

  1. Daniel McLean on May 8th, 2007 10:12 am

    Yeah I used to read HarpzOn it was a good blog. But all the links to his domain are going to drop off now he’s not blogging. How often do Technorati check this? Plus Harpz was his name so I can’t see much worth in it personally.

  2. George C on May 8th, 2007 2:11 pm

    Right Daniel, I thought the same, if you are going to sell a domain be sure it is a neutral one, as I said a domain others would like to use, but on the right hand, there are other domains that are very valuable eventhought they have someone else’s name, like, it is like a brand, like a designers brand, don’t you think?

  3. msdanielle on May 8th, 2007 11:04 pm

    i agree with daniel, if you have a name domain then it’s not broad enough to get a lot of money. depends on what the demand is. i’d prob check recent sales of similar domains and also what people are asking for on boards. kinda like ebay, demand determines value. is a good name tho πŸ˜€

  4. George C on May 9th, 2007 1:57 pm

    Hi MsDanielle! thanks for your comment, I totally agree with you, in a certain way it is like the stock trading market, you have to see and predict what people are looking for, πŸ™‚ oh! and thanks for the kind words!

  5. Jonathan-C. Philllips on May 14th, 2007 9:05 am

    I agree also, harpzon (to me) is definitely not worth 5K, sure he had a nice pagerank, and a ok technorati rank (243 as of now), which is ok, sure his shoemoney review boosted his alexa rank, but not to the point where it could be worth 5 grand. A blog with a technorati rank under 10,000, well it would really depend on the monthly revenue that site generates. Considering the PR, the TR rank and the alexa rank of, say harpzon, i would probably not be willing to pay more than $1,500USD, main reason being that my last name is not Harper, but Phillips, so i would not know how to use that domain name. I’ wondering if Mitch found a buyer, but right now his domain is redirecting to his company website, interspire.


    True, is a great domain name! i would definitely pay some good money for it, if you ever think about selling it lemme know hehe

  6. George C on May 14th, 2007 3:28 pm

    Hi Jon! Thanks, you’re right, even though it has some good stats, the name is at certain point a disadvantage. It would be good to know if there was actually a buyer, anyway, thanks for your words! I’ll let you know if I want to sell this domain! ; )

  7. Rich on May 17th, 2007 11:08 pm


    First of all, I want to thank you for the theme that I am using at Everyone loves it, and that is what brought me here – to say thank you. But since your blog seems so interesting, I’ve decided to subscribe and stick around a bit longer, if that is alright with everyone. πŸ™‚

    As for your question – I believe there are three factors that need to be considered whenever buying/selling a domain, and they are similar to the factors associated with buying/selling real estate:

    1) The intrinsic value of the domain name (similar to the location of a real property). Generic, marketable, non-trademarked, short, easily remembered domains are worth more, as are .com as compared to .net or .org. Intrinsic value means that the domain is in an excellent “location”, (so to speak), and can easily be built on and attract visitors (customers) with a minimal amount of marketing/advertising.

    2) The value of the site (structure) that is built on the domain. A well designed site that is easy to navigate and can attract visitors on an on-going basis is worth much more than a crudely developed domain. Amazon and Google are excellent examples of great structures that were built on reasonable domain names.

    3) The on-going revenue stream. If I buy a site, I would like to know how quickly I can get a payback on my purchase. I subtract the value of the domain name and the value of the site itself and what is left is my “investment”. Let’s say the residual amount is $10,000. If I get $1000 a year in revenue then I am get an excellent 10% return on my investment (ROI). Of course, the ROI might be less if there are lots of expenses (e.g. labor), so I should subtract my expenses before I calculate my return.

    Basically, I treat a domain investment as I would a real estate investment, and see if it is a good deal – i.e. a good place to invest my money relative to other investments. A seller can value the domain in the same way.


  8. George C on May 18th, 2007 4:46 pm

    Hi Rich! Thanks for your valuable comment! I agree with you, domains are somehow similar to real estate. Good points!

  9. Rich on May 19th, 2007 12:05 am

    Hi George,

    I found this good article on the topic on DNJournal. Hope you find it interesting.


  10. Rich on May 19th, 2007 12:07 am

    Sorry, I forgot to give the links. πŸ™‚ Here it is:

  11. George C on May 19th, 2007 5:08 am

    Hey Rich Thanks for sharing! It’s a very good article!
    º Please read it (Loungers!)

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