Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneur StartUps

June 5, 2007

There are certain mistakes that most entrepreneurs do at the moment they start a project, any kind of project. These mistakes can cost you a lot of time, and of course money, you can even lose everything because of them, remember to pay attention in details and never forget to follow your instincts, but above all, use your brain. Well, now let’s take a look at the Top 10 most common mistakes of entrepreneur startups.

Confusion – The entrepreneur dreams about a business without analyzing the characteristics that would make him a successful businessman. When problems appear, the entrepreneur gives up to his idea of business and fights to enter the labor market. A good businessman insists until he achieves it, and never quits.

Intuition – When you have a great idea , the first thing you have to ask yourself is: Does it has potential? Will someone buy my product? You should have enough vision to answer this questions, a big mistake of most entrepreneurs is when they don’t analyze the consequences and they just follow their instincts without even analyzing the possibilities. Most of them ask those questions after they launch their idea, not before.

Business Plan – believe it or not it is important, it matters. even though there have been a lot of successful companies that began without a proper business Plan, it is a good tool to guide your new project. Most entrepreneurs think they don’t need it.

Continuous improvement – when they’ve reached a certain level of success they think there’s no need to learn more or to improve themselves or their business, huge mistake! continuous improvement is always important in all aspects and areas.

Obligations – We all have. No matter what you do, you can never run away from them. We all have obligations with our customers, our partners, our employees, the shareholders, the society, the government, and the environment. Take that in mind.

Money money and money – Some entrepreneurs plan their strategies according to profits without having in mind the other aspect of the company like the cash flow or the general balance between the assets and liabilities.

Customers – They are the ones that drive your success, without them, there’s no business at all, so take care of them, they are one of the most valuable assets of all, gain their loyalty and respect and you’ll have them wherever you want.

Organization – Well in fact the lack of organization is a big mistake not just in business but in everything, without it the whole ship can sink forever.

Strength – and courage to continue when everything seems to be failing, never give up, just keep trying.

Your own Money – It is forbidden to mix your personal expenses with those of the company.


6 Responses to “Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneur StartUps”

  1. gautam on June 5th, 2007 11:11 pm

    really comprehensive list 🙂

    i definately need to work on the Business Plan 🙂

  2. George C on June 6th, 2007 4:22 am

    Yes gautam, we should consider all these aspects. 😉

  3. Santosh P on June 6th, 2007 8:24 pm

    I agree with most of points, but one need to be Mad at what he is doing. And a perfect stubborn in terms of continuing his business,with listening to all the suggestions and critics he listens.

    I dont fully agree with business plan one, Insted I belive there should be more of ”PLANNING” than a ‘plan’

    And one has to always keep in mind, Have FAITH IN SUCCESS MORE THAN FEAR FOR FAILURE.
    The day one thinks he is the mighty and greatest, its a starting on an end. And also belive that everyday is the Day one for rest of your lives. 🙂
    Good luck all entrepreneurs and Wish me good luck too..

  4. George C on June 7th, 2007 2:42 pm

    You’re right Santosh! Very interesting points, It’s good to have you back! 😉

  5. Jonathan-C. Philllips on June 10th, 2007 10:22 pm

    Excellent post George! It’s true a lot of business people and entrepreneurs don’t believe in the importance of having a business plan, but to me that is the most important thing, and also be prepared for growth (wouldn’t wanna se that business fail because it’s growing “too” fast)

    You’re also right on the money when you say personal and business finances should never mix

  6. mjda on September 6th, 2007 12:14 am

    I think these are some excellent points. Really something that one can follow when trying to start their own online business. I should know, I’m thinking of getting one started. After reading this, I should probably just “think” about it a little more. I have an idea of where I want it to go, but honestly haven’t thought about the possibilities of it not going that way until now.

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