Talent V.S Effort

August 15, 2007


There was a time in which effort and dedication were the main ingredients to succeed. Today we all know that’s not all it takes to be successful, there are other things and skills to consider, one of them is talent, we all have it, but not all know where it resides or what it can do.

Talent is defined as the ability to do something different , something smarter and better. It is basically a skill or a gift someone’s born with, sometimes it is acquired after with the pass of time. The truth is that nowadays those who really use their talent istead of their force are the ones that achieve their goals.

Effort has to complement talent, and talent has to complement effort, but if we have to decide which one is better, I would say the second one. Why? simple, because it is the tool that will lead you trough the path of success, talent will guide your moves and your steps. For example, many people (not all) who used to be top of the class at school , always studing, always working, without almost any free time, are working for someone that enjoyed life, parties, school, friends, get the idea? How can this be explained? Well some say that it is because those who were happier and enjoy their lives every day develoe a higher level of talent because they’re more open to the outside world, and are more sensitive to what is around them.

Experts agree that those who have time to relax and think (call it dream) have more possibilities of being successful this is because their minds will be free and ideas will start to flow. On the other hand those who have always a busy mind, worring about a lot of useless things will not have creative ideas.

Here are some examples of high talented Companies (HTCo), try to use their background and history as reference and you’ll see what I’m talking about :

Google, Youtube, Apple, Microsoft.

What’s the main ingredient of these companies? T.A.L.E.N.T and creativity.


5 Responses to “Talent V.S Effort”

  1. Josh Mullineaux on August 15th, 2007 7:25 am

    George, great post! I fully agree that those who put their talent to work, combined with creativity will be enormously successful. I do however think that there are those out there that lack talent but work hard enough at their goals that become relatively successful. I’m a first time visitor to your blog and from now on will be a regular. Awesome content!

  2. George C on August 15th, 2007 2:45 pm

    Hi there Josh! Thanks for your visit and thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. 😉 I also agree with you, as I said, we all have talent, not as much we’d like lto, but we all have it, the thing is that not all know how to work it out, but yes, those who really work with passion and dedication have great chances of being successful.

    Welcome to the Lounge Josh!

  3. Maria Palma on August 16th, 2007 8:43 am


    I completely agree with you on this one! Lately I’ve been taking a great deal of time out to dream and relax during the day and have found that I’ve been more productive when I’m not forcing things to happen! I might add that taking a shower also helps for ideas to flow 😉

  4. George C on August 16th, 2007 3:19 pm

    Hi Maria! Thanks for your visit and comment. I’m glad you’re following your dream, and yes, I agree, a good shower helps a lot 😉

  5. Startup Signal - Today’s Top Blog Posts on Entrepreneurship - Powered by SocialRank on October 1st, 2007 10:25 am

    […] Talent V.S Effort […]

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