We’re Almost There!

August 16, 2007

Hi. I’m glad to announce that The Lounge is about to break the Top 1,000 barrier in Technorati! Our startegy has worked, this has also increased our PageRank and the number of backlinks. This tme I’m writing asking for your help, help us break the Top 1k barrier!

How can you help?

What we’re asking for is just for a backlink, just one, pick an article from our Archives page and write about it in your blog, or just write about htis post and add a backlink to this blog. As simple as that!

What do you get?

In exchange for your loyalty and friendship you’ll get exactly the same, a nice backlink from this site!. I’ll take a deep look at your blog and I’ll do a small review about it or about an interesting article.

I think it sounds fair, it is a win-win situation, plus you’ll be helping us to achieve this goal! just comment here or send us an email with the exact url to the review. Thanks!


3 Responses to “We’re Almost There!”

  1. Prasanga on August 19th, 2007 9:14 am

    I can give you a tip how to get more back links. Go to http://www.nice4rice.com check out how you can get back links everytime you vote for a post. The blog is PR4.

  2. George C on August 19th, 2007 3:35 pm

    Hey! Thanks Prasanga! I’ll check it as soon as Posible! 😉

  3. mjda on September 5th, 2007 1:09 pm

    Hey, this is a great idea. I’m still currently working on my website, but does this deal still apply in a few months when my website is complete?

Got something to say?