5 Premium Skills of the Successful Ones

August 20, 2007

The path to success sometimes require certain skills to complete it. Previously we published a post about the best habits and values you must have to succeed, well this time we’re going to take a look to 5 of the premium skills of the successful ones.

These skills or qualities are very common among artists, scientists, leaders and successful businessmen, some of them are easy to acquire if you’re willing to do so, others are gift, we are born with them, but there are others that take a lot of time , hard work, dedication and practice.

So let’s take a look at them, and try to define if you have them or not, and if you don’t, there’s no problem there are some things you stillc an do to acquire those skills.

  • Leadership .- Tough to instill and almost impossible to teach, leadership is the most obvious skill you need if you want to scale the ladder of success. Whether you lead by example or with your voice, can you motivate people to work toward a common goal, but you’ll need strenght, integrity and conviction, but also a lot of confidence.
  • Knowledge .- The quest to achieve success is incessant, so it is theques to achieve knowledge, but I’m not talking about the things you study , I’m talking about those things you learn and you use, knowledge is more than just words in books. Knowledge is wisdom and power, you have to be informed about almost everything, you have to know things about all themes.
  • Vision .- One of the most difficult ones, it is the power to see further to go where no one else can, to dream the future, Howard Hughes, Bill Gates, John D. Rockefeller, great men, but above all, great visionaries.
  • Communication .- A great asset of all leaders, intangible and effective, communication is an ability that is acquired by proper listening. Many forget that fact. Eye contact, patience, a versatile vocabulary, and a smooth vocal cadence are necessary to get your word listen.
  • Flexibility .- No matter what discipline you majored in at school, you cannot advance today without knowing a bit of everything, as I said before , Knowledge is power, but so it is to be flexible, learn to listen other people’s ideas, be flexible with other’s suggestions. Become familiar with the rest of the disciplines that surround you.

So, if you think that you don’t have one of these skills, let me know and I’ll try to write a post on how to get it and improve it.


4 Responses to “5 Premium Skills of the Successful Ones”

  1. Josh Mullineaux on August 20th, 2007 10:10 pm

    Those that are blessed with leadership skills can often learn flexibility and great communication skills. More often than not it is the leaders with a strong vision that are able to succeed. Great follow up post!

  2. George C on August 21st, 2007 3:40 am

    Hi Josh! Thanks for your comment!

  3. caroline on August 29th, 2007 12:30 am

    wow, perfect post… all what i’m thinking at the moment.
    You should also highlight that some of those skills can be learnt and others are “gifts” that just can be improved…
    don’t you think so ?

  4. Startup Signal - Today’s Top Blog Posts on Entrepreneurship - Powered by SocialRank on October 1st, 2007 10:31 am

    […] 5 Premium Skills of the Successful Ones […]

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